Well, we are officially on summer break. Although some studies never stop, such as reading and the scientific art of making a total mess of the house in less than 10 mins! LOl!
So, I have exactly 9.99 mins to give you an update!
April was a wonderful month for us as we welcomed Genevieve Elizabeth into our family permanently. The adoption jump started the healing process for her and we have seen much wonderful progress in her emotional development and growth. We are still working hard and she is still learning to love and trust.

We also started working on our garden in April! I was determined to have a garden this year and wanted the kids to experience sowing and reaping. We planted two varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and green beans. The children had the super fun job of digging out all of the rocks, Chris manned the tiller, and I took pics! Here are some pics of our prep work and I will post some pics of the garden next week to show the growth. It has been very rainy here this week, bad for pics, good for garden!

We also are expecting another kind of harvest in July! Our black lab, Abby, is expecting her first litter of puppies! We have been told by our breeder to expect 10 puppies!!! Our pups will be coming from a very good bloodline and one of the pups is even flying to California to it's new home! The kids are very excited about the pups and Abby's growing tummy...we agreed to let them keep only one, although they would gladly keep them all! How exciting...a live biology lesson!