Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pumpkin pie from...scratch!

Tanner insisted we make fresh pumpkin pie with one of our new pumpkins, so I did some research and found a "sure thing" recipe, or at least that's what it said under the title! So after we finished up school we made our pie! I photo-documented each glorious(laborious) step.

1. Pick the perfect pumpkin and give it a good wash.

2. Cut it in half and scoop out the seeds.

3. Keep scooping and scrapping until all of the stringy stuff is gone.

4. Cut the pumpkin in quarters and put in a dish with a couple inches of water. Cover and microwave on high for 15mins.

5. Scoop out the stuff and put it in the blender. Puree until it looks like mush!

6. Make the pie crust...I'll spare you the gory details, but this is what ours looked like...I was hoping for some magical thing to happen in the oven!

6. Now to add the secret ingredients...You know the ones that aren't in the cupboard so you improvise. Ex: It called for 1.5 cans of evaporated milk...I substituted 3/4 can of sweetened condensed milk! LOL!!! Liquidfy and pour into pie crust.

8. Now bake at 450 for 15mins, pray and then 350 for 45 mins. Ah, my self cleaning oven doesn't do a good job of cleaning itself!! LOL!! This is what it looked like at 30mins when I forgot to turn it to 350!

9. After much prayer and reassuring Tanner that it would taste better than it looks, here's the final product!

I am taking orders...$15.00 per pie plus shipping!
They taste great, you just have to close your eyes when eating! Oh, and add a lot of Cool Whip to top it off. The Cool Whip is 50 cents extra.
Karla and the kids!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fun on the farm!

We went with a homeschool support group to a local farm and enjoyed the fall weather, hayride, pumpkins and fellowship. This has been great for the kids, they love playing with their new friends.

Becca enjoys the hayride.

Tanner posing for the picture!

Dawson with his new best bud, Michael.

Bayleigh's first experience with hay.

Mrs. Farmer gives a lesson on how her fruit and vegetables grow.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Pics from PaPaw's

Boys Rule, Girls Droole!

Fun with PaPaw Kerry!

Sorry you're sideways Mom!

Bayleigh's contagious smile!

Becca loves the Merry Go Round!

how we get through the day

I know four seems like a lot of kiddos running around, but I thought I would show you how I manage them all(try to)!
It has been lovingly named the "chore chart." The children all have certain things that they are responsible for and if all of the chores are on the done side at bed time they recieve a paper quater to put on their allowance hook. It is a matter of training, but it saves me a lot of gripping and saves them a lot of nagging!
Now all I need is one for myself!

Family life

This Blog is for all of our friends and family far off. Enjoy our life with us, giggle at our kiddos with us, and enjoy our journey as we strive to walk the narrow path.